If interested, please complete the registration form below, to receive a copy of the RFP and to be eligible to submit your proposal. Please note that all fields are required. Upon completion of the form, please click the submit button to finalize your registration. Upon submission, you will be rerouted to a confirmation page where you can download the RFP. In addition, you will receive a confirmation email, which will also include a link to the RFP. Please keep this confirmation email as proof that you are officially registered. Only official registrants will be permitted to bid on this project.
All completed proposals are due by no later than 3:00 pm (ET) on Friday, November 15, 2024, pursuant to the instructions in the RFP. No telephone calls, please.
If you have problems with this form, please contact Bonnie Thompson at 215.440.5509, bonnie@centercityphila.org or Dana Womack at 215-440-5550, dwomack@centercityphila.org.